I just realized I am being sort of redundant labeling this wine as Australian since all shiraz comes from down under. This bottle came in the same shipment as the Paringa from yesterday's post.
- L: After doing a side by side taste test, I went back and changed my score of the Paringa. It is duller than today's wine. Stump Hill was drier, which I definitely like. It left my tongue dry and tingly unlike the Paringa which fell pretty flat. The Stump Hill also has a much more interesting aroma - nice and leathery. I am a big fan of aromas. My favorite beers all have really strong floral aromas - but I digress. I give the Stump Hill a score of 6 out of 10.
- R: Better wine than the last. More tannic, better flavor, better aftertaste, better aroma. I thought this one was slightly peppery. It also had a more complex set of flavors than the last. There wasn't really anything special that stood out about it, but it wasn't bland. 6/10.
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